Engagement Photoshoot Checklist

~Motion Memory Blog~

By: Shawn Wilson
First Published: February 1, 2023

It's Not Too Late!

       Engagement photo shoots are supposed to be fun and exciting! You said yes to the big question and now you want to celebrate this moment with beautiful photos you can share leading up to your wedding! But before you go, make sure you cross your t's and dot you i's! Here is the condensed list of things that we recommend you do before you appointment.

Come Prepared to Learn

       Most of my clients haven’t been photographed before and that’s okay! You’re going to get a crash course on the core poses that we will build most of our other poses off of. I typically start my couples out by doing a few go-to poses before I even point a camera at them.

       Not only does this get the couple prepared to switch between poses quickly for the rest of the shoot, but it also breaks the ice between the photographer and the couple. It's an industry dirty little secret that the first few pictures rarely turn out to be keepers. But with the learning session, we can get through some of the awkwardness while the camera is still down.

Bring Your Own Personality

          You know you better than anyone else! If there's something quirky about you and your future-spouse that you want to share, now is the time. Bring some props that mean something to you. Come armed with your story and share it with your photographer. It will be a hit!

           It also never hurts to bring a change of clothing! Variety is the spice of life after all.

Bring Your Props

            Almost all of my clients love some specific image that they've seen online and want to recreate that moment. If you have a Pinterest Board full of things you like, share it early with us (like email it ahead of time). That often means bringing props -- be it sunglasses, hats, champagne, or scrabble pieces. And if you can't find what you're looking for, we may already have it. But you'll have to let your photographer know ahead of time.

Plan for Wind

      This disproportionately affects my brides more than grooms, but plan for wind! Of course you’re more susceptible to wind with longer hair, but don’t forget about dresses, skirts, hats, and other loose clothing.

Groom Your Hands

       You see what I did there? Groom… I’m sorry. Several of the most popular shots that I take (and have requested) involves your hands: holding signs, showing your ring, holding each other’s hands. What’s truly unfortunate is when you get your images back and notice that you haven’t trimmed your nails in a while. Clean under the nail and trim up!

         You're also going to want to make sure your rings are clean! This doesn’t always have an effect on our shoot, but recently I had an engagement ring that was leaving black marks on the bride’s hand! We stopped to clean her hand several times. Even if it doesn’t leave marks, cleaning your ring can give it a nice extra sparkle.

Final Thoughts

        I promise you're going to have a great time at your engagement shoot! They're so much! It's all about celebrating the two of you and your love! We have all the time in the world (until the sun sets that is) and your wedding day will be much more hectic! So get all of your fun shots, outfits, and props in now! 

        You're going to love the way your photos turn out! 

- Shawn

Ready to Book?

It’s a terrible thing in life to wait until you’re ready.
There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
Don't miss your moment.


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